awesome pics! i mean, in general. be careful though. there is a lot of spamming going round on blogger. most people have adopted the word verification thingy to prevent that.
Hi Tim Gee, today I¹m surfing for a good blog experience on gift baskets and I found your great site. Well this post wasn¹t exactly what I was looking for it did receive my attention and interest. I see now why I found your resourceful web-site when I was searching for gift baskets related information and I am glad I found your site even though its not an exact find. Let me contribute to this site by leaving you with my favorite wine quote from Thomas Jefferson! - "No nation is drunken where wine is cheap, and none sober where the dearness of wine substitutes ardent spirits as the common beverage" ---Jefferson, Thomas---
Hello Tim Gee, I¹m out surfing the web for the latest information on gift baskets and noticed your nice site. Although this post wasn¹t exactly what I was looking for it certainly got my attention. Now I see why I found your page when I was looking for gift baskets related information and I¹m thrilled I found your web site even though its not a perfect match. Great Post, thanks for your informative site, I¹ll leave you with my favorite quote from Cline Zinfandel: Zin Prayer "Know me, stranger, For I am thy life blood and thy necta. I shall wet thy lips, parched by the winds of deprivation. And nourished shall be thy body, dessicated by the scorching inferno of temperance. Rest thy head upon my bosom, Lose thyself in the ecstasy of my caresses, And know me, For I am ZINFANDEL!!" Cline Zinfandel
I still love this shot.
November 29, 2004 at 3:45 PM
awesome pics! i mean, in general. be careful though. there is a lot of spamming going round on blogger. most people have adopted the word verification thingy to prevent that.
September 9, 2005 at 7:14 PM
Hi Tim Gee, today I¹m surfing for
a good blog experience on gift baskets
and I found your great site. Well
this post wasn¹t exactly what I was
looking for it did receive my
attention and interest. I see now
why I found your resourceful
web-site when I was searching for
gift baskets related information
and I am glad I found your site
even though its not an exact find.
Let me contribute to this site by
leaving you with my favorite
wine quote from Thomas Jefferson!
- "No nation is drunken where wine
is cheap, and none sober where
the dearness of wine substitutes
ardent spirits as the common
beverage" ---Jefferson, Thomas---
March 27, 2006 at 3:13 PM
Hello Tim Gee, I¹m out surfing the
web for the latest information on
gift baskets and noticed your nice site.
Although this post wasn¹t exactly
what I was looking for it certainly
got my attention. Now I see why I found
your page when I was looking for
gift baskets related information and I¹m
thrilled I found your web site even though
its not a perfect match. Great Post,
thanks for your informative site, I¹ll
leave you with my favorite quote
from Cline Zinfandel: Zin Prayer
"Know me, stranger, For I am thy life
blood and thy necta. I shall wet thy lips,
parched by the winds of deprivation.
And nourished shall be thy body,
dessicated by the scorching inferno of
temperance. Rest thy head upon my bosom,
Lose thyself in the ecstasy of
my caresses, And know me,
For I am ZINFANDEL!!" Cline Zinfandel
May 3, 2006 at 11:19 PM
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